First-Year Students

You can still use prior learning assessment as a first-year student, and Penn State encourages you to do so. You're considered a first-year student if, among other guidelines, you have attempted seventeen or fewer semester hours of college coursework at a regionally accredited college or university before attending Penn State. You may also have enrolled in another institution before graduating from high school (dual or concurrent enrollment) or have taken exams after advanced coursework.

Advanced Placement Program

Advanced Level (A-Level) Exams

International Baccalaureate Program (IB)

Courses/Tests with ACE Credit Recommendations

If you have completed a course and/or exam that says you can earn college credits, you may send your transcript to Admissions if the course/exam has credit recommendations from the American Council on Education. Have your transcript sent to Admissions, and send your syllabus to

You can find additional information here at ACE.

You can check the National Guide to see if your course/exam has credit recommendations.

You may check the Transfer Credit tool using American Council on Education as your institution to see if the course/exam has already been evaluated for credit. If so, have your transcript sent to Admissions, and those credits will be added to your record. Remember--your major will decide if/how the credits will be used.


Please see our information about transfer credits.